Friday, February 26, 2010

Garden Design!

Garden Design by Evelyn Betz, Landscape Designer

Wish List

The Barkhamsted Garden is a not for profit community group. We don't have the formal documentation yet to let your donations be tax deductible, but we are still happy to accept gifts.

Some of the items we could use are:

Eleven saplings: 13' high. 2" in diameter. These are for the tipi.
28- metal stakes/rebar or wood to tie tomatoes & peppers
Blood meal
Peat pots
Organic potting soil
Fish emulsion
Compost tea
Broken patio stone
Clean mulch
Straw bales (14, tight, can be old and/or damp)
Soak hose
Nozzle that has a shower like end
Rain barrels

You can contact us at if you would like to help us out! Thanks! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last night's meeting

Last night's meeting took place at town hall despite the stormy conditions. We firmed up installation and planting dates, discussed our goals and objectives and made plans on how to achieve them.

After the meeting, several committee members checked out the garden location. Some grading will need to be done. We plan to set the straw bales out on March 27.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seeds have arrived!

The Fedco seeds arrived yesterday and were delivered to Erick tonight. He will be potting them. He already started the broccoli seeds which Evelyn purchased earlier. Just about all the seeds are organic. Zucchini and sunflowers are back ordered.

Our current planting list is:

Tomatoes: Orange banana paste, Heirloom mix, Cherokee purple
Black cherry tomato
Matchbox hot pepper
Peacework sweet pepper
E yellow squash crookneck squash
Poona Kheera cucumber
Rainbow Lacinato kale
Oregon Giant Snow pea
Cascadia Snap Pea
Lettuce Mix
Par-cel cutting celery (parsley)
Whirlybird 7-Color Nasturtium
Aurora orach mix (spinach)
Amsterdam #2 carrot
Multi colored pole bean mix
Blue cocoa pole bean
Tiger eye bean
Calypso bean